Early 2019 Future Production was awarded the contact to deliver our patented Handsfree Gooseneck Handling System to Awilco’s newbuild semisubmersible. The system was chosen due to its true handsfree capabilities, operational efficiency, simple and reliable operation and HSE.
Also, Future Production’s Gooseneck Handling System improves efficiency in moonpool operations in general as it keeps K&C hoses etc out of harms way, and can be fitted to a convenient location in the moonpool area (e.g. to the hull, BOP trolley, underhull guides).
For Future Production this is a major milestone again demonstrating the system’s superiority with respect to safety and efficiency.
The Awilco semisubmersible rig will be the sixth rig to be equipped with this system, following Scarabeo 9, Bluewhale 1 and 2 and two Cat J jackup rigs (Equinor).
For more information, please follow this link: